Explore the vagaries of human relations in public space.

In this performance Oltheten offers a staged rendition of the way she handles her visual archive when at work in her studio, in a sense performing her own behaviour as an artist. Sorting through a selection of print and moving images, which are simultaneously projected as a slide show, Oltheten elaborates on her methods for mapping particular aspects of human behaviour.
This live presentation is at once a performance, an anthropological investigation, an auto-contextualization of Oltheten’s own work, and an instructive viewing exercise: by letting the audience in on her own ways of seeing and sorting, as well as by sharing the stories behind images, she allows others to draw their own connections within this selection from her archive.
door Frans van LEnt

All participants go to the last corridor of the train (startingpoint).
It starts with a (first) person walking slowly into the first coach, as if looking around for a convenient place to sit. He finds a place somewhere in the first coach (when it is not possible to sit just stand and wait in front of the toilets). After the first person started, the second one counts to 60 and then follows him, walking in the same direction. He passes the first one and finds a place in the second coach (or at least out of site of the first one). When the second one leaves the third one starts counting and then starts walking. He passes the first and the second one, finds a place out of sight of the second one and so on. When the sixth one walks he goes on till the end of the train, but will not find the right place to sit. Then he walks back, still in the same slow and searching way. When the sixth one again passed the fifth one, the fifth one waits another 60 seconds and then follows him walking back slowly, again looking around. When the fith person passed the fourth waits another 60 seconds and starts also walking back and so on. Finally everybody returned to the starting point. End of performance.


HET VERSLAAN VAN SCENE WELKE DE TE DIRRIGEREN,%20Marc%20-%20Non%20Places,%20Introduction%20to%20an%20Anthropology%20of%20Supermodernity.pdf
.� person_
en� the space of non-place is relieved c:>fhis usual
determinants. He becomes no more than what he·
does or experi-ences ill the role orpassenger, cusfo�­
or dilv�ernaps he -is S"tiTl weighed down l;Y·i:he-p�:--­
vious day's worries, the next day's concerns; but he is
distanced from them temporarily by the environment
of the moment. Subjected to a gende form of possession,
to which he surrenders himself with more or less
talent or conviction, he tastes for a wbjle like anyone
who is possessed ....: ilie"passive joys of identity-loss,
�nd the more aaive [!leasure of role-playing.
Het initiëren van de tentoonstelling zelf.
Zoals mijn werk en tentoonstellingen vaak een verzameling notities zijn, zo is ook deze tentoonstelling.
Het is een verzameling activiteiten waarbij, ‘wat is van belang’, opnieuw ontmoet dient te worden.
Dat gewoon opnieuw ontmoeten (tegenkomen) zonder geïmponeerd te worden is de crux om in de tentoonstelling te kunnen verblijven. We plaatsen een gemeenschappelijke interesse of richting tussen andere eventueel arbitraire activiteiten. (also space). Hoe verhoud de hiërarchie, van wat van belang is, zich.


Mees van Rijckevorsel Oh blue crayons/Pussygraffiti
"Reproduce this information, circulate it by any means at your disposal: by hand, by machine, my mimeograph, orally. Send copies to your friends: nine out of ten are waiting for them. Millions want to be informed. Terror is based on lack of communication. Break the isolation. Feel again the moral satisfaction of an act of freedom. Defeat the terror. Circulate this information."